Tuesday, 21 November 2017

shared office spaces bangalore

What coworking does for you

Freelancing is on the rise, and something that isn’t very fun is working alone from home or fighting for space at the local coffee shop. That is currently changing thanks to plug and play office space. By now, you’ve probably heard of coworking, yet, it is a lot more than resources and a place to business. Currently, coworking is a community and the future of how business will get done. Workers are tired of working in cubicles. In addition, working from home can feel isolationist. If you’re on a budget and a diet, working from a coffee shop can get pretty distracting. With coworking space in Bangalore, you’re surrounded with other passionate people pursuing the same dreams of economic freedom and entrepreneurship. That can be quite motivating in and of itself. Below we take a look at the future of coworking spaces.

In 2005, the term coworking was first coined by Brad Neuberg to help describe his idea of working where independent workers could come together, collaborate and benefit from increased productivity and creativity. Since then shared office space in Bangalore have cropped up in almost every major nook and corner. In fact, August 2 is now marked as the start of Global Coworking Week–a weeklong celebration of the concept of coworking. What makes coworking a force to be reckoned with is people enjoy the opportunity for community with an ecosystem of camaraderie, support and necessary items needed to make it in today’s hyper-competitive global business word.

What makes coworking viable:-
Coworking is the future of work. Coworking spaces have increased over 400 percent in the past four years–that says something about the demand for these types of spaces. Yet, far more than the resources, the value of coworking is in the relationships. With these types of spaces, you can find a network of people that you can immediately ask advice from–on any topic. You also realize that you’re all in the same boat–entrepreneurs trying to get more support than they would working home alone. If you make office space for entrepreneurs part of your weekly routine, you can get support from people that you should be around.
Built-in network:-
Traditional advertising continues to be less and less effective, this makes connections to other entrepreneurs even more critical. Moreover, research shows that entrepreneurs with large networks have a greater potential for growing larger businesses. Casting a wide networking net helps to get more opportunities, ideas and information. You might meet your next client, investor or future partner at a coworking space. On the other hand, you could meet a person who can refer you to the people you need to meet. You just never know where a simple conversation will go or who you will meet.